The Law Office of Russell Babcock wins many cases in 2011-2012!
The Law Firm has Had Great Success in the Last Year
Here are only some of the results obtained by the Law Offices of Russell S. Babcock over the last year. Many While these summaries are written with a bit of humor by Mr. Babcock, please know that this firm takes your liberty and life very seriously. Sometimes, humor is the best antidote to being falsely accused, of course, all with obtaining the best attorney possible.
1. Nurse facing felonies pleads to one misdemeanor
Nurse was facing several felony fraud and elder abuse charges. Negotiated down to a single charge. The result was no jail time. Nurse may be able to keep license and no one is sore.
2. Father Reunited With Son
Very serious previous domestic violence charge and violation of probation pursuant to a violation of protective order. The DA and probation were asking for several years state prison. Mr. Babcock was able to convince the court, after very intense negotiation, to a local time sentence. Father can see his son again.
3. Road Rage Abated
Client was facing several serious charges, including terroristic threats, stalking, and assault involving use of car. After negotiation, District Attorney dropped all but one minor misdemeanor charge. Client served no jail time and avoided felonies.
4. Piracy With Counterfeit Shirts
Client charged with numerous counts of piracy for selling fake name brand clothes. Case negotiated to a plea to one felony, reducible to a misdemeanor. No jail time and no state prison.
P.S. Are there any Armani jeans or Coach purses in Southern California that are real?
5. Green Thumb
Client caught with a sophisticated grown room with over hundred mature marijuana plants worth several thousand dollars. Also charged with stealing electricity to support the grow. Client was facing almost certain state prison. Theft dismissed, utility bill was negotiated down by over $30,000, Client pled to one drug charge reducible to a misdemeanor. No jail time and state prison.
6. Too many Deuces
Defendant charged with a felony DUI with injury after being involved in a near fatal accident with cocaine in system. Negotiated a plea disposition where defendant did not serve time in state or county jail…and was allowed to attend work furlough and have contact with his new child.
7. Ensnared on Internet
Defendant charged with felonies for sexual chat with undercover cop posing as minor. Numerous pornographic images found on computer. Initially, District Attorney said they would seek state prison. After the law firm was hired, a result was negotiated making defendant eligible for work furlough. No state prison.
8. Dentist Saves Career
Dentist charged with inappropriate contact with patient. The firm negotiated misdemeanor charges. No jail, state prison, or sexual registration. Dentist is still practicing today and without pain.
9. “I'm a driver, not a pimp”
A young man began driving women for security to their jobs as exotic dancers. After only four days on the job, he was arrested for pimping. He was looking at mandatory state prison of three years. After conducting the preliminary hearing, all charges dismissed, no record, no state prison.
10. Not returning to Saudia Arabia
Client was charged with several felonies including assault with a deadly weapon and was facing certain deportation and a lengthy custodial sentence. We negotiated a disposition where defendant did not plea to a felony, did not plea to a deportable offense, and received time served. We worked closely with immigration attorney Cesar Luna. Defendant was released from immigration custody and is now living a happy and productive life.
11. A burglar or a shoplifter?
Client was charged with felony burglary. The issue came down to whether the defendant formed the intent to steal property that belonged to another before or after entering the premises. After several hearings and three separate meetings with the El Cajon District attorney's office, Ryan Mardock negotiated a misdemeanor plea agreement with no jail time and volunteer work service.
No felony, no state prison, no jail time.
12 . A marijuana like sentence for a cocaine case
Client was charged with multi-kilo importation of methamphetamine from the United States to Mexico and a mandatory ten year sentence. After extensive negotiations and much work the client received 1/4 of this sentence. We can still remember his beautiful smile the day of the sentence!
13. No criminal record for husband/wife alleged theft from military base.
Husband and wife both received deferred judgments with an eventual dismissal of their case. Husband can continue to work as a correctional guard. No jail time, no criminal record.
14. An indecorous military liaison
Defendant, a decorated member of the military, found himself in bed with a woman on base who said she was asleep and didn't consent to sexual intercourse. He was charged with rape of an unconscious person, carrying a mandatory state prison sentence. After several meetings with the Deputy District Attorney and his supervisor, Chief of the Sex Crimes Division, this sticky case was resolved. Defendant pled to lesser charges avoiding lifelong sex registration and will only serve forty five days in local jail. This outcome is unusual, if not unprecedented, and is a great victory for both the client and the firm.
15. No life sentence in twelve bank robberies with a gun.
Client indisputably robbed at least twelve separate banks while armed with a loaded pistol. Even two such robberies could result in life incarceration. Despite the use of the gun in all robberies, client only plead to one gun use and received a sentence where he will be released from jail before his forty-fifth birthday, instead of life–in about fifteen years.
16. Psychologist Will not be deported
When C.G. came to Russell, her previous attorney told her there was no hope and she would be deported. The case had already been to court several times with several bumps along the way. Client had a previous shoplift conviction.. C.G. pled to a tresspass after her first attorney told her and the D.A it was not possible. Ryan lost his bet: client remains with visa and no jail time.
17. Young man avoids state prison and felonies
Ryan worked hard to have multiple felonies dropped against a young residential burglar resulting in time served instead of state prison. In this case, the retainer fees paid and owed are offset many times over by the benefits to this young man's future. We have found that most of our clients and their families only deserve a fair shake and are people of their word.
18. Flying a Little Too High
Client, a prominent business person, had a driver waiting for him in the San Diego Airport. The cold medication, anti-anxiety meds, and a couple of glasses of wine in the first-class section proved to be a bad combination. The harbor police at the airport said they were taking him to the hospital to make sure he was all right. But he wasn't all right when he received a citation for drug possession and public intoxication jeopardizing his reputation and status on several non-profit boards. Thanks to the hard work primarily of Ryan, the City Attorney final relented and dropped criminal charges allowing client to receive a citation and a fine. That should give any potential client something to meditate about when deciding whether to obtain the best counsel possible.
19. Professional escapes small town politics of Hemet
In Hemet, California apparently it is a felony to collect a few signatures to recall politicians, and then when you discover that the campaign is irregular, to repay the few hundred dollars earned from the signatures and quit the organization. Small town politics was forcing this bank teller to except a felony a some jail time to avoid prison. But she said “SCRAM”, and hired this law firm. The result a misdemeanor, no jail time, and a saved bank career. Also, she can continue to live with her husband who is a well respected sheriff and can't possess a gun near anyone who is a convicted felon, almost his wife.
20. A Peace Officer—What a misnomer!
Female client was leaving a bar when cop began to harass her. Unpeaceful peace officer manhandled client giving her severe bruises. As if that wasn't enough, she was charged with Assault on a “Peace Officer”. Client pled guilty to the petty offense of disorderly conduct. No jail time and more serious charges dimissed. The D.A. takes a hard line on these cases because vicitms of police brutality often sue the police later. We hope she does.
21. Four Years Is Better Than Ten
Client, a nineteen year old woman, was facing a mandatory ten years in custody for her part in a multi-kilo drug conspiracy. She helped a friend to “burn plates” or drive a vehicle from Mexicali to Calexico that would later contain drugs. The idea was that if the vehicle had crossed before without drugs, it was less likely to be inspected. Client was offered a plea to “misusing a telephone for illegal purposes” and sentenced to four years in custody. With good time and reduction for a drug program, she will likely be out of custody in a little more than two years.
22. Not Going Back to El Salvador
Client is a refugee from El Salvador. He was lawfully in the United States but procured a false passport so that he could open a bank account. He almost accepted a plea agreement for sixty days that would have deported him for life and separated him from his family. But with the help of immigration attorney , Cesar Luna, Russell Babcock brokered a deal for a plea to a misdemeanor, which means that client will most likely not be sent back to El Salvador where he would lose his family and be in danger of his life.
23. “I can't drive 55″ Office saves two military careers.
Our client was about ready to separate from the military with a substantial pension. He still swears that he did not see the police officer when he passed him going over one hundred miles an hour on a motorcycle with a passenger. Ryan refused to say “no” to a felony. He took the case to preliminary hearing and eventually achieved a misdemeanor for the client -No jail time and no loss of military pension.
Russell and Attorney Melinda Shapiro broker a deal that saves a family from ruin and a Military Career.
The clients operated a medical supply company that sold wheel chairs under MediCal to individuals who did not qualify. Total sales were over one half million dollars, and the profit to the clients was in excess of $300,000. The husband was allowed to receive a deferred prosecution, allowing him to save his military career and giving him the chance to have no criminal record. The wife will plead to one felony with a very good chance of no jail time or only house arrest. By contacting the Law Office of Russell Babcock at a very early stage, the couple avoided arrest and extradition.
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