What to Do and Not To Do When You Arrested At The Border With Drugs
Every day thousands of people cross the border from Mexico into the United States. The border crossing at Tijuana/San Ysidro, California is the busiest in the world, followed by the Mexicali, Mexico, El Centro, California crossing.
Many of the drivers coming into the United States are carrying narcotics in their vehicles. Some know, some suspect that they have drugs, and others (blind mules) have no idea that they have fentanyl, heroin, cocaine, or methamphetamine hidden in their vehicle. Maybe when you were having that upholstery worked done on your car or having that tune-up done, the perpetrator hid drugs in your car and made a copy of your car key or put a small, cheap GPS in your vehicle so they could follow you home and break into your car later.
The agents at the border are not interested in getting at the truth. Most of them assume that an individual carrying drugs knows and they are guilty. There are a couple of simple steps that unfortunately few arrestees follow that can help a great deal.
When arrested at the border:
1. Do not give the officers any information other than your name, address, and telphone number.
2. Do not sign any waiver forms to consent to a search of your person, cell phone, or vehicle.
3. Do not call a loved one and explain what you did to cause you to be arrested.
4. Ask the officer if you are being arrested and to what jail you are being taken.
5. When you are allowed to make a telephone call to a family member or friend, ask them to contact an attorney who is experienced in federal drug law.
Remember, that the officers are highly skilled in extracting information from arrestees. They will tell you that they will bring your cooperation to the attention of the judge and that this your chance to set the record straight. If you are arrested with another individual in a vehicle, they may even tell you that this person has already confessed and implicated you. The police are allowed to lie to you to extract a confession. You are not allowed to lie to them; it is a crime.
The agents may urge you to make a call to a family member on your cell phone. If you are allowed to do so, only tell them that your arrested and where you will be detained—nothing more ! Even seemingly innocent conversation such as who you were traveling with and where you went could come back to cause great problems in your case in the future. And never admit to any suspicions, whatsover, of having something illegal in your car. Do not make the government's job easy in securing evidence against you.
Most individuals who are arrested for the first time, should be able to secure bail relatively easily.
At the Law Office of Russell Babcock we are experts in helping you and your loved one get through the trauma of a border arrest regardless of the circumstances.
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