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What is a criminal conspiracy?

Posted by Russell Babcock | Mar 20, 2018 | 0 Comments

¿Qué es una Conspiración Penal?

What is a criminal conspiracy?

As a San Diego criminal lawyer, I am asked to explain to my clients what a conspiracy is.

A conspiracy is nothing more than a group of individuas who set out to accomplish an illegal purpose. A conspiracy has been called “the darling of the government” because it is often easier to prove than the underlying criminal charge itself. All that is required to be guility is that individuals associated with the intent to commit a crime and at least one of the individuals committed an overt act or an act in furtherance of a conspiracy. This overt act could be as simple as one telephone call to set up a cocaine or methampehtamine sale.

Many times the co-conspirators don't know most of the others in the conspiracy. There are tentacle style or hub style conspiracies such as the photo depicts above. An example is a federal drug case when one individual is the center for several individuals who are selling drugs. (See mandatory penalties for federal drug cases.) Also there are chain conspiracies, for example starting with the harvesting of cocaine in South America, to its processing, to its passing through several cities, to arrive in San Diego. The people who sell the drugs in San Diego never know the people in South America.

Unfortuantely, all individuals are responsible for all foreseeable acts of the conspiracy. Theat means that if an individual only engages in one drug transaction with other individuals, in some instances this person can be held responsible for the acts of all others. Conspiracies carry the same penalty as the underlying crime.

At the Law Offices of Russell Babcock we are experienced criminal attorneys who have handled numerous conspiracy cases. I personally handled the largest drug conspiracy case to date on a boat (eleven tons of cocaine) worth billions of dollars and after two trials and traveling to Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, and Russia achieved a total acquittaal for my client. (For more information on the multi-ton cocaine acquittal of a Russian seaman, click here.).

We are San Diego criminal defense lawyers who emphasize complex coonspiracy cases. We are here to help you and educate you on all state and federal criminal law matters.

About the Author

Russell Babcock

Conozca a russell Russell S. Babcock (Founder + Owner) Spanish Speaking Criminal Defense Attorney  (Federal and State Court) The law firm of Russell S. Babcock was formed to provide the highest quality of federal and state criminal defense services at reasonable prices. We are a full service c...


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