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Federal Sentencing Reduction Petitions

On November 1, 2023 a new federal law, U.S.S.G, § 4. C.1 (Adjustment for Certain Zero-Point Offenders) is scheduled to go into effect.  This new law allows a substantial reduction  of sentences in people already sentenced in drug smuggling crimes, alien smuggling, and most other federal cases. In many cases, this new law will allow a reduction of a year or more! But the sentence reduction, is not automatic.  The incarcerated person must file the petition for the reduction.

For your best chance, of achieving a sentence reduction, you should hire a skilled federal criminal defense attorney to file the petition.  At the Law Office of Russell S. Babcock, we are filing these petitions.

Please call today so that your loved one does not need to spend even one extra day in jail!

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Law Office of Russell Babcock is committed to answering your questions about Border & Immigration Crimes, Federal Crimes, Appeals, Investigations, Drugs & Narcotics, State Crime, Economic Crime, and Homicide law issues in California.

I'll gladly discuss your case with you at your convenience. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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